Sherlock: The Abominable Bride – What did you think?


Well, for those of us in the UK and shortly the USA, Sherlock has been and gone for another year in the form of ‘The Abominable Bride’ which saw the Baker Street Boys and their friends returning to Victorian times to solve the mystery of a bride returned from the grave.

So for those of you who have seen it, we want to know what you thought! This is a page for anyone to comment their two-cents on the special and for people who haven’t seen it to stay the hell away from until they have.

Leave your rating of the episode in the poll below and then sound off in the comments! People who wish to remain spoiler-free, this is your final warning…


28 thoughts on “Sherlock: The Abominable Bride – What did you think?

  1. I loved it! Sometimes I had goose pimps all over the place, but I loved it! The Victorian setting was beautifully made, and the story was so close to the book! A great big thank you to everyone who made this happen! Oh and Molly, “it ages you.” 😉


  2. My daughter and I loved it. The story was well written and the links between the end of the last series and the Abominable Bride were well done. What really impressed me though were the scene transitions which were exceptionally clever. Its been a long time since I have heard the entire cinema laughing at the goings on, it was quite funny. Cudos to Steven and Mark. I only wish we didn’t have to wait for another year for a new Sherlock series 😦


  3. Very nice, but a bit confusing especially at the end of the film.
    Some characters made me laugh, Lestrade …
    The Victorian period was beautiful. But lacked all the little details “modern” that make the Sherlock today is loved.
    In addition, it does not lend itself to much visual analysis.
    But happy to have found, a really good series !!!
    I hope to see more soon. Thank you to all and happy new year!


  4. I loved it. Especially the connection to the modern Sherlock was awesome and unexpected. I like the idea that everything happened in modern Sherlock’s mindpalace, so we actually have an explanation as to why we’re suddenly looking at victorian times Sherlock and Watson. The dialogue was amazing as well, it was clearly different from how the characters speak in modern day. Molly disguised as a man was fun and smart as well. This special was worth all the excitement.


  5. As much as I love Sherlock I did not care for this one. I don’t like back and forth time thing and I actually got a little lost here and there. The acting is always superb but prefer the previous story line.


  6. I liked it but I am still trying to digest what I watched. Very clever transitions and of course the characters were awesome. I will watch it again and then analyze how I feel about the storyline. I will say this….I prefer modern Sherlock.


  7. I’m sure it will take several more viewings to catch all the hidden gems, but I truly enjoyed the show more than I expected. Clearly Moffat is at his best when under the influence of Gatiss.


  8. I definitely need to watch it again, but first impression was very good. I appreciated the connections with the original stories. My one criticism would be the thinking he’s awake but not really being awake which I get as that’s what it might feel like on a whole cocktail of drugs, but it felt a bit inception-y. Like hmm, is it real now, is everything in his head? Again, overall very good!


  9. I absolutely loved this episode. The setting in Sherlock’ mind palace was remarkable and now that his abuse is fully in the open that will be an issue. I will be watching it several more times today to catch more details. This will be one of my favorite episodes.


  10. Having watched all the other Sherlocks all I can say about this one it that after all the build up that it’s had I wasn’t that keen on it at all,I was left feeling very let down by it…


  11. Superb! I’m 61 and have been reading the story’s by Doyle over and over through the decades, since my Father bought me a collection as a birthday gift (14 or 15. I don’t recall). Sherlock is my favorite fictional hero. I think this modern rendition/series is the best so far at interpreting Holmes. I’ll have to watch this episode several times (as I usually do with “Sherlock”) to catch everything. Some of those scenes were the book illustrations come to life! i.e Such as the two of them in the train car. Great stuff.


  12. I love Sherlock but was not too impressed with this special. I wish the back-and-forth hadn’t been entirely to due with the drugs and while I know in the stories yes his drug use is mentioned, I still wish it hadn’t been the reason why his mind palace went like that. I did love the softer side of Mycroft that we got to glimps, and I loved Mary’s role. But I believe they needed more than 90 minutes to really do the storyline justice considering the whole women’s suffrage angle.

    Really loved the thought of an old timey Sherlock with these guys, just really wish it hadn’t ended up being a drug-induced dream.


  13. Develing deep into the recesses of his mind palace with the help of his cocktail of drugs, Brilliant concept! Sherlock looks to solve how Moriarty could be still alive. Using the long buried Case of the Abominable Bride he is able to sort it all out. Brilliant dialog, the settings, everything was outstanding. (as we have come to expect from Moffat and Gatiss) True Sherlock Holmes fans will love all the references to all the stories both old and new. It was funny, suspenseful, sensitive…etc. Simply put, the Sherlock series is the best work on television. I do hate the wait but it is so worth it!


  14. I tried watching the internet feed, and there were problems with the broadcast. The video stalled at times, and in other places the sound malfunctioned so that it sounded like the characters’ words were actually being spoken by other characters. Please address these problems before the rebroadcast.


  15. I loved it. I know a lot of people are disappointed with the mind palace set up, but I thought it was a brilliant solution and a good set up for the next series. After all, you get to see exactly how Sherlock’s mind works and how he thinks, and he does all that in the very little time from getting Mycroft’s call to the plane has landed. And it was very well done. If this episode didn’t exist, the first episode in series four would have to spend some time on “what, is he really back?”. Now we can just go right into what happens next.


  16. I really enjoyed this episode. The reveal that it was all in Sherlock’s mind came about at just the right time.
    On a re-watch of the special, the clues are obvious but as Sherlock himself says we see but we do not observe.
    Loved all the mind confusion and mis-direction though. Oh, and Mycroft and Mary, heck everyone was excellent! Especially Sherlock. XD


  17. I thought there should have been more naked Cumberbatch and at least another 3 hours long. Not because the storyline didn’t end well, but I hate waiting another year for Sherlock. It was awesome. I’m a big scaredy pants and I had to hunker down and hope that I wouldn’t have nightmares afterwards lol.


  18. Too much mind screw for not enough plot advancement. They could have had the same advancement of the overarching plot in 5-10 minutes and dedicated another 5-10 minutes to him going into his mind palace to analyze the past case. Also, Sherlock as it’s being currently shown is already a modern Alternate Universe (or AU) on a story that originally had a Victorian setting. As a fan of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series (which is set in the Victorian era), seeing them AU the AU back to its original time period, was… really not interesting.

    I have nothing bad to say about the actors. As always, they were all superb.


  19. It was an absolutely ride of an episode and I was entertained, gripped, scared and surprised. I didn’t see the return to the modern Sherlock universe coming until minutes before it happened and when it did, I thought, “BRILLIANT.” As well as the fond references to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fiction and Victorian counterparts of the modern show, the parallels to the Moriarty storyline all fell into place and I have never been more satisfied with a show as I was walking out of the cinema. The Abominable Bride made the hiatus feel worth it. Very much looking forward to Season 4 with absolute faith in the writers and their vision.


  20. Why was mycroft so fat? I can only surmise so that he and Sherlock could make bets as to his life expectancy?
    I would have enjoyed it even if it all took place in Victorian England
    All the scenes and clothing for the period were outstanding
    Holmes and Watson have never looked more classy and debonair. Although there is Basil Rathbone to consider.
    I was thrilled to see the theater sold out and to see all the younger fans some of whom were quite dressed up
    I also loved the quiz before the showing.
    Kudos to the entire cast and crew of this most excellent Sherlock!


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